Sometimes, we feel that email is all that’s left to us. It’s the only way we can stay in touch with our friends and family. But, can email really hold the interest of our friends?
It’s a question that has been asked many times. And while email may be the easiest way to stay in touch with a few people, it’s not necessarily convenient for others who want to stay close to their families and friends. In fact, many people will tell you that email is too much hassle, but if you want your children or grandchildren to continue doing their homework online instead of on paper, it’s worth giving email a try.
So what makes this app so useful? It’s called Howler: an app that sends files between two devices automatically without any permission needed by the person receiving them. The recipient doesn’t even have to know he or she has received an unannounced file transfer !
The good thing about this app is that it doesn’t only support file transfers between computers , but also between mobile phones , tablets and other devices . This means that when you leave your computer , you won’t experience any lag in file transfers and don’t have to worry about data loss or device crashes.
However, there are some limitations :
– The files sent cannot exceed 50 MB in size . If you
send large file and it exceeds this limit , Howler will automatically stop sending until it reaches its limit . If this happens ,you can contact for help.
– No matter what device(s) are used for transferring files , Howler will always send files from both sides . So if one side is offline (e.g. laptop at home), Howler will still work on the other side . This feature means your data won’t be lost if your device needs some time to start working again . Note : When transferring files between two iOS devices (iPhone and iPad), Howler cannot send files larger than 10 GB because of security reasons . -Howler’s features are subject to change without notice -Howler’s development team doesn’t take any responsibility for unauthorized sharing of personal information -Howler’s server can never contain private data such as financial information -Howler is not affiliated with Dropbox or similar services in any way -Howler does not offer cloud storage