You’re one month away from your big day. Time to start planning, right? Well, good news. Though this can be stressful, planning a wedding is actually a time of relaxation and joy. But why? Because the most stressful thing, you can do when planning a wedding is creating a diet and exercise plan, right? So why not just throw caution to the wind and create a fun workout plan that includes yoga? Because if I can plan a wedding workout plan, anyone can!
If you’re a fitness, yoga, wellness, and beauty guru (and even if you’re not), you’ve probably seen the latest fitness craze making the rounds – a mashup of yoga, clean eating, and green living. And who can resist a workout with green goodness infused?
How is all of this green?
To start, I’m talking about no grains, dairy, processed foods, or sugar! From there, yoga is used to slow your body’s reaction to “something” triggering anxiety, depression, or even (gasp) overeating. Not to mention yoga as a tool to add new moves to your fitness routine.
Here’s the workout plan!
Warm Up
Kick it up a notch with a fast-paced warm-up. Try doing planks and leg swings with other exercises such as jumping jacks and high knees.
Jog it out
Once you have the body energized, it’s time for your fitness plan. Download the YouTrend’s FREE “Hustle Intensity” mini-trainer which you can use to create a 7-8 minute (or less) cardio circuit.
If you want to perform yoga moves, look up five minutes or fewer poses. For beginners, try down dog, chair pose, or headstand. To boost your heart rate, try chest-to-bar pull-ups.
Standing Poses
Don’t be afraid to break a sweat. For intermediate levels, choose three or four standing poses to do.
Ankle Taps
You can also try yoga-inspired ankle tap stretching for lower-back and hip mobility, tendon release, and alleviating pain and swelling. For beginners, try square and round toe stretches.
Leg Raises
If you want to challenge your legs, try doing lunges. If you’re a beginner, try an initial set of these, then slowly work up to laddering them and back-to-back sets.
Cool down
Just remember to take breaks throughout your workout and cool down with some gentle stretches.
Now that you know how to use yoga to create a fun wedding workout plan, you’re going to look your best at your wedding. That’s probably the most important part. Trust me. And do your muscles a favor and stick with it.
Ending Words
There are plenty of other ways you can use yoga to train for a wedding. Consider consulting a licensed, experienced yoga instructor to create a customized program that suits your needs and body. The instructor will be able to give you details about your fitness goals, your strengths, and weaknesses, and create an amazing, creative, and fun wedding-related workout plan. You can also benefit from an advanced understanding of yoga asana (the physical postures) and Hatha (the mental practices). This type of knowledge can help you improve your overall health and keep your body and mind on a wellness journey.