Your marriage is important, but circumstances change with time. When you are in the end game and want to file for divorce in Montgomery, you should take time to familiarize yourself with the laws in Alabama. The state allows for no-fault divorces, so you don’t have to technically blame your spouse. You can say that the marriage is beyond any remediation, or there are reconcilable differences, which should be enough for the court. Regardless of your concerns, consider meeting a Montgomery divorce attorney to learn what you should do to protect your rights and interests.
How long does it take to get a divorce in Montgomery?
In general, there is a 30-day window that you must wait to complete your divorce in Alabama. There are also additional factors, like the pressure on local courts and circumstances surrounding the divorce, which may determine the time frame. Contested divorces continue for much longer than uncontested divorces, primarily because spouses fail to agree on significant issues.
Is it possible to annul a marriage in Alabama?
There are limited instances where courts in Alabama will allow annulling a marriage. An annulment means that your marriage never existed in the first place. A typical reason is fraud/deception. For instance, if your spouse didn’t tell you that they had a previous marriage, have criminal cases against them, or about their sexual orientation, you may get the marriage annulled.
Is it possible to save some of my wealth?
That’s another question that many people have on their minds when filing for divorce in Montgomery. If you had assets before your marriage, those may be exempt. There are other considerations, too, including the duration for which you have been married and how much you and your spouse contributed to the family during the marriage. Each case is unique in that context.
Do I need an attorney?
The short answer is yes. Besides protecting your rights, having a lawyer ensures you avoid the usual missteps that can adversely influence the outcome. Most divorce lawyers in Montgomery will be happy to review your case for a low consultation fee, and you deserve to understand the circumstances better. As for the cost, if yours is a contested divorce, you must pay a retainer along with an hourly rate. However, for uncontested divorces, a standard fee is often acceptable.
Check online to find the best-rated law firms, and meet a divorce lawyer today to get a quick review of your case.