Entering high school for the first time can be nerve-racking for students as they come to terms with social and academic changes. High schools in Singapore offer many opportunities for students to excel in academics and extracurricular activities.
Here are nine tips for students to make the transition from middle school to high school an easy process:
Make Sure to Pay A Visit to Your High School Before Classes Commence
Check the fee structure in high school. It is generally very different compared to school fees in Singapore. Choose the most affordable school for you. Attend the high school freshers’ orientation program. Visit your school before checking your school campus. If you have any known person studying there, ask for a tour of the school.
Do Not Shy Away From Getting Involved In Different Activities
Many clubs in Singaporean high schools conduct meetings and seminars for freshers and their parents to familiarise themselves with the school atmosphere. Your school might even conduct various sports and cultural activities to welcome freshers. Participate in such events. Make sure you are involved with these sports and activities. You can meet others sharing similar interests.
Try to Pick Exciting and Fun Electives
High school might be the first place where you have to sign up for electives. There is a wide range of options and hobbies, ranging from music, art, science, creative writing and photography. Refrain from following others. Choose a hobby you feel strongly passionate about pursuing. Pick the electives that excite you but are relatively easy. There are several core subjects, so choose electives that will not pile you up with work.
Don’t Skip Class
You are getting admitted to a new place – first impressions are essential, and attendance matters. Some schools can even put your attendance on your transcript. Make sure you attend classes timely and do not bunk them.
Give Your Best
You might have heard that the last two years of high school count. The fact is, even your first year contributes to your GPA. Score as high as you can by giving it your best. You surely do not want your bad grades to affect your college and career.
Always Ask Questions
If you do not understand a topic, feel free to raise your question and clear your doubts. Asking questions will also show your teachers that you are engaging with your lessons and class.
Learn the Art of Time Management
Believe it or not! Students active in extracurricular activities score high in high school. Learn the art of time management to maintain your busy schedule. If you are juggling to balance your studies and extracurricular activities, make a schedule and follow it religiously.
Learn to Take Your Stand
When you faced a problem in kindergarten or middle school, your parents or guardians took care of things for you. When you enter high school, everyone will consider you a young adult. Learn to take a stand for yourself if facing hurdles in high school. If you consult with your teachers and counsellors, they will be more than happy to assist you.
Do Your Homework Religiously
Doing homework will help you remain connected with the class and reinforce learning. Your assignments are also crucial for your grades. If you have an emergency and cannot complete your work, be honest with your teacher.
Many teachers can grant you partial points for late submission of assignments. Be always ready to ask for some extra credit opportunities to compensate for your lost points.
Your high school is going to bring great memories for you. Give your best and enjoy your new journey. Figure out ways to make it exciting and fabulous.
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