As business owners, we know that the physical environment of our stores and restaurants can strongly affect customer behavior. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the scientific research. On how the environment affects customer spending and what business owners can do to use this knowledge to their advantage. Stay tuned! Are you looking for “chiquito voucher”?
Some of the scientific research on how the environment affects customer spending suggests that:
- The environment can affect whether customers spend money or not.
- The type of store layout can influence how much customers spend.
- Certain smells in a store can increase spending.
Business owners can use this knowledge to create an environment that encourages customers to spend more money. By understanding how the environment affects customer behavior. Business owners can make strategic decisions about store layout, design, and marketing that will persuade customers to open their wallets wider.
Staff efficiency and friendliness also play a major role in how much customers spend. If customers feel like they are being cared for and that the staff is attentive, they are more likely to make a purchase. Creating a warm and inviting environment will make customers want to spend more time – and money – in your store.
Many retailers acknowledge the importance of store environment as a tool for market differentiation (Levy and Weitz 1995). Store environment, the physical surroundings of a store, is made up of many elements, including music, lighting, layout, directional signage and human elements, and can also be divided into external environment and internal environment (that is, exterior and interior of a store).
The effects of store environmental elements could be complex. While many of these elements influence shoppers’ behavior through their effects on shoppers’ emotion, cognition and physiological state, some of these elements could elicit more direct response from shoppers with very little impact on their thinking, feeling or body comfort . Despite numerous studies on store environment, their findings are not enough to provide a detailed understanding of the store environmental effects.
By reviewing previous studies on store environment, this article attempts to identify research issues inadequately explored or with conflicting findings, and to posit several propositions for future investigation. In this review, I include studies that report empirical results or discuss (review) empirical results of other studies.
I used the ProQuest Direct database to search for relevant articles, employing concepts such as store environment and store design, and environmental elements such as music, color and scent, as keywords for the search. The search mainly covers mjor marketing journals in the 1989-1999 period as the articles published in this period would reflect the current, more systematic approach to store environment research.
The journals selected for review mainly include the top ten marketing journals based on the survey by Hult, Neese and Bashaw (1997). These include Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Marketing Science, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Advertising, and Journal of Advertising Research.
I also include in the review some of these articles, considering their contribution to store environment research. In addition, I also looked into the retail patronage and service quality literature for relevant articles as physical facility is often cited as a factor affecting patronage and service quality evaluation.
To achieve the review’s objectives, I first construct a framework that integrates the various effects of store environment, and describe the methodology of store
Business owners can also use the findings on how the environment affects customer spending to create a more efficient workplace. For example, if you know that customers are likely to spend more time in a store that has a pleasant smell, you can make sure your employees are spraying fragrance regularly throughout the day.
Or, if you know that customers tend to spend more money when they’re standing, you can design your layout so that shoppers have to stand in certain areas in order to see all of your products. Visit for amazing Pronto Pizza.
By understanding how the environment affects customer behavior, business owners can make strategic decisions that will help boost sales and increase efficiency. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to create an atmosphere that is conducive to spending – and that’s good for business.
Thanks for reading! We hope this post was informative and helpful.